It's been quite a while hasn't it! I recently, as in Christmas, finally bought myself a DSLR so I've been taking pictures like crazy.
I've been mostly taking photo's of Drix recently (having spent two weekends at friend's Leather Shop helping with inventory)
but Booker wiggled his way into a photoshoot two weeks ago. Geez it doesn't feel like it's been that long at all.
I've been hoping the weather would improve so I could take some outdoor shots but it's been rainy, snowy and just down right uncomfortable here for the past month.
When I haven't been working or photographing anyone, though, I've been searching for just the right sculpt for a character of mine I've had for about 10 years now. I'd been searching on and off for a while but nothing was sticking and when I did find a sculpt I liked it was either a discontinued one or a Limited when I had no money.
So, like any good responsible adult (hurr hurr) I decided that I'd look extra hard and get him with my tax return. So I doubled my efforts, combing through DoA to find the perfect boy and LO! I've finally found him. Completely by accident too. I needed just the right about of snark and pretty and I found it with Little Monica's Enrill.
I'll be putting the order in Monday or Wednesday at the latest hopefully once my return is deposited on the card. (-^〇^-) I'm so positively giddy that I can hardly contain myself!
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