Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The three year summer

So way back when in 2010 I had accidentally gotten a friend of mine so smitten with my Delf Lishe that she just needed one for herself. 

I dunno why, I've never felt a huge connection with her.
But Ly really really liked her and so in July of 2010, right at the beginning of Luts' Summer Event, she bought her Lishe, Codex. Unbeknownst to the both of us she ended up qualifying for the Event and since she didn't want the head she asked me if I wanted it. Of course I jumped at the chance since one of the sculpts reminded me of a character of mine and Taelan Niklus Thalos came home in a giant yellow box. 

Unfortunately he had no faceup due to a miscommunication and a fall off of Riley's lap getting out of the car resulted in me scratching the hell out of the left side of his face. :'( Being stupid and impressionable, I let a friend of mine talk me into sanding the pock marks out of Taelan's head and in the process messed up his chin and the bottom right side of his lip. (WHY I never thought to just try and boil it out, I'll never know)

Needless to say that just made me dislike him and it put him up in my closet for a few years until I got Phineas. Being the only big dude that Taelan's head would fit, I quickly got my depressed little elf out to try his head on Finny's body (much to the Irishman's chagrin). And LO! Taelan's giant head fit like a charm! He's a little more yellowed, obviously, but with the right faceup and some body matching he'll be right as rain.

Since, however, I cannot paint to save my life, that'll have to wait until I've got some funds. In the mean time I've decided to yellow Finny's man hands, (since I've kept them in the closet, they no longer match his body. I hadn't realized how much he'd yellowed in just the few months I've had him ^^;;;) and since his giant hands look strange with his head Taelan gets to play with his body. 

So onwards with the photo dump! :D


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