Saturday, January 11, 2014

Happy New Years I guess?

I apologize for being such a shitty blogger for anyone who actually reads this. Depression is still kicking my ass but not posting anything has made me feel bad because I have all of like...30 page views. yay!
And Lo, I just found the connecter from Castiel (le laptop) to Taerius (le DSLR) so I don't have to fight with the SD card to get it to work. Huzzah! 

I hope everyone who reads this had a good Christmas. Mine kind of sucked but I did get to spend a week on the beach doing fuck all playing with shells and dead sea creatures.

Look! A Portuguese Man of War! This fucker could have kill me! (but not really cause I was only poking it's squishy head)

And a horseshoe crab that I was sadly unable to bring home to hang on my wall. :(

While there, hiding from my psychological breakdown in some bushes, I found the skeletal remains of what was once a tiny snake.

-Unfortunately I couldn't save the head.
-Fortunately there was a plastic bag right near the skeleton and I was able to pack as many tiny vertebra into it as I could.
-Unfortunately I was still pretty bummed about the fact that I couldn't have the head.
-Fortunately I found that they all fit in an itty bitty jar I bought years ago so I have a safe place to keep it.
-Unfortunately the vertebra is so tiny that I can't really get the best picture of it.
-Fortunately I did a photoshoot with Phineas anyway just for S&G

That's a fun game.

I'm sorry it's fuzzy! I need a real macro lens. :'( That's some tweezers in the background btw

And just for fun I decided to change up his eyes a bit with some pinkish jellies I had laying around. It probably won't last very long but it's amusing me for the moment.


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